In Loving Hands: How the Rights for Young Children Living in Children’s Homes Offer Hope and Happiness In Today’s World by Elsa Chahin with Anna Tardos, is the definitive book that advocates for children living in residential settings. Under the proper circumstances, these institutions, while not always having provided the ideal climate for healthy growth, both emotionally and physically, can operate in the best interests of children when they adhere to the precepts of this book.
Written in three parts – an overview, the declaration of 10 rights and global voices of experience – In Loving Hands offers an in-depth look at how the quality of care in residential homes can be improved through information, detailed guidance and applicable tools. After comprehensive research, the authors have made it their mission to support institutions in successfully caring for young children in group settings.
No longer is it necessary for institutes to be branded as “Dickensian,” as this book provides the tools for creating a safe and nurturing environment, with children receiving responsive care from trained, educated and caring adults. The authors of In Loving Hands offer a responsible, pragmatic and passionate alternative to the familial home, one where children are able to thrive and grow up to be healthy, happy and productive members of society. Equally important is the idea that the information in this book can also apply to parents blessed to be raising children at home.
Written in three parts – an overview, the declaration of 10 rights and global voices of experience – In Loving Hands offers an in-depth look at how the quality of care in residential homes can be improved through information, detailed guidance and applicable tools. After comprehensive research, the authors have made it their mission to support institutions in successfully caring for young children in group settings.
No longer is it necessary for institutes to be branded as “Dickensian,” as this book provides the tools for creating a safe and nurturing environment, with children receiving responsive care from trained, educated and caring adults. The authors of In Loving Hands offer a responsible, pragmatic and passionate alternative to the familial home, one where children are able to thrive and grow up to be healthy, happy and productive members of society. Equally important is the idea that the information in this book can also apply to parents blessed to be raising children at home.
Elsa Chahin, Anna Tardos
Publicado por
World Forum Foundation, XLibris
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