Pikler Pedagogy Past and Present - Digital Collection of Articles - 2023/1.

Pikler Pedagogy Past and Present - Digital Collection of Articles - 2023/1.

Digital, multi-language collection of articles published by the Pikler® House


Published quarterly, available as a pdf. Downloadable after purchase from your Profile page.

By purchasing this collection of articles, you support the activities of the Pikler® House. You can read more about our objectives on our Facebook page.


1. Emmi Pikler: The Competence of the Infant

in Hungarian, English, Spanish, French and German

2. Andrea Szőke: Autónomo, pero no abandonado a su suerte. El apoyo de la actividadautónoma en la escuela infantil 0-3

in Hungarian and Spanish

3. Geneviève Appell: De l'Accueil loczien au Prendre soin piklérien D'hier à aujourd'hui. (1967-2014)

in French only


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As the Pikler® Pedagogical Approach is becoming more and more well known among families and professionals alike and is being used in an increasing number of early years settings, interest in where these ideas originated has increased. In 2020 we set up our Publications Team, which aims to organise, prepare for publication and publish old and new written materials by Pikler® House team members.

The Pikler® House Archives in Budapest contain a vast number of unique documents: pieces written by Emmi Pikler and her colleagues, pediatricians, psychologists, pedagogues and caregivers. Even though a good number of years have passed since these documents were written, the messages in them are still up to date. The Publications Team hand picks and publishes some of these in the ARTICLES BY PIKLER AND HER COLLEAGUES section of this magazine.

Launching Parent-Child Groups in 2002 and opening up the Emmi Pikler Daycare Centre in 2006 marked the beginnings of a new era in the pedagogical work at the Pikler® House. In recent years early years professionals enrolling in our courses and lectures have shown great interest in the decades of experience accumulated as well as the methodological work going on in the Pikler® House. The second section of our magazine, called CURRENT PRACTICES IN THE PIKLER® PEDAGOGY, offers insight into these areas.  

The Pikler® House, or ’Lóczy’ as most people would refer to it, became the starting point for a movement that contributes to a better understanding of the development and the needs of children between 0-3, as well as to the betterment of the quality of care and rearing of children in many countries around the world. This could not have happened without the dedicated work done by professionals in our sister organisations around the world. In these partner countries, the Pikler® Pedagogical Approach is coloured by cultural context, through which it receives a more comprehensive meaning. Written materials from these organisations further widen the pedagogy’s horizon. You will find a selection of these in the section entitled PIKLER® PEDAGOGY AROUND THE WORLD.

We hope that this magazine will make its way to everyone who wishes to deepen their knowledge and to those who are responsible for the wellbeing of children in any capacity.

Zsuzsanna Libertiny

President, Pikler-Lóczy Association Hungary

Emmi Pikler, Andrea Szőke, Geneviève Appell
Published by
Pikler-Lóczy Association Hungary
Published in
March 2023
Hungarian, English, Spanish, German, French
Article No.
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