Aimed primarily at professionals, this beautiful booklet introduces the special, carefully choreographed way infants were bathed at the Pikler Institute. Bathing was not only an important element in the bonding process between infant and primary caregiver, which provided them with a sense of safety in its unchanged manner, but at the same time it taught essential lessons to children about their role in a relationship from a very early age.
“If the child can trust to be able to influence the events happening to him, if he can feel that he is not a passive receiver, but an active participant of his care, then his sense of competence will grow stronger. If he is never dealt with as if he was an object - be it either precious or worthless - but as a human being who feels, observes, remembers and understands or will understand, if the words and gestures are not only nice but they also consider the sensitivity of the child continuously, then a real dialogue during care will form between the two partners starting at the youngest age.”
(Dr Judit Falk)
“If the child can trust to be able to influence the events happening to him, if he can feel that he is not a passive receiver, but an active participant of his care, then his sense of competence will grow stronger. If he is never dealt with as if he was an object - be it either precious or worthless - but as a human being who feels, observes, remembers and understands or will understand, if the words and gestures are not only nice but they also consider the sensitivity of the child continuously, then a real dialogue during care will form between the two partners starting at the youngest age.”
(Dr Judit Falk)
Dr. Judit Falk, Mária Vincze
Published by
Pikler-Lóczy Association Hungary
Published in
9 638 667 168
20,5x11,5x05 cm
Article No.
83 g/pc(s)
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About the author(s)
Dr. Judit Falk (1922-2010), director of the Pikler Institute between 1979-1991, worked for the residential nursery for a total of 48 years. She contributed to the Pikler legacy by writing numerous articles and books. She published 21 scientific studies in Hungarian, and a total of 64 more in seven different languages. Falk was an acknowledged professional expert around the world, invited to speak at international conferences. She took professional training, delivered lectures, gave training for caregivers and was active in establishing and managing several other professional organisations.
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